Looks something like this:
(Apologies in advance for what blog formatting does to the erlang syntax).
-record(sdlmem, {type, bin, size}).
-define(_PTR, 64/unsigned-native).
case catch erl_ddll:load_driver("../priv", "sdl_driver") of
ok -> ok;
{error, R} ->
io:format("Driver failed: ~s ~n", [erl_ddll:format_error(R)]);
Other ->
io:format("Driver crashed: ~p ~n", [Other])
Port = open_port({spawn, "sdl_driver"}, [binary]),
register(esdl_port, Port),
cast(21, <<0:32/native>>),
io:format("Connected to C through Port: ~p~n",[Port]).
cast(Op, Arg) ->
erlang:port_control(esdl_port, Op, Arg),
call(Op, Arg) ->
erlang:port_control(esdl_port, Op, Arg).
send_bin(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
erlang:port_command(esdl_port, Bin).
send_bin(#sdlmem{bin=Bin}, _, _) -> send_bin(Bin);
send_bin(Bin, _, _) when is_binary(Bin) -> send_bin(Bin);
send_bin(Term, Mod, Line) -> erlang:error({Mod,Line,unsupported_type,Term}).
That's hardcoding every constant that they generated for esdl, and inlining a whole bunch of stuff that they rightly had in separate files. I'm thinking at this point, though, that there's no point erlang being the one to drive the gl. For one thing, all the other devs on my team are going to want to have documentation resources available to them for the gl work they have to do, and it's all in C. All of it. Which I guess makes sense because as far as I know OpenGL itself is in C.
So. Design decision now is, do I have a high level or a low level API for my erlang stuff? I really don't want Erlang specifying vertices, for instance. I'm much more inclined to build a detailed stroke object with color, pressure, timestamps etc., serialize it down to C and let it throw away the information it doesn't care about (which isn't much really) as it turns it into GL code. The cool thing about that would be that if there's another rendering engine which isn't OpenGL (say, for instance, a JS implementation in-browser or a superfast DirectX one), the erlang client wouldn't need to change anything.
Yah, that's pretty much the decision made for me, I think. Although I do think that I might accept more detail than I send. Maybe the API would look something like this:
C Rendering front End
Stroke begun(Point)
Stroke point(Vertex,Pressure etc)
Stroke ended()
Erlang Client
Render(Strokes, Children, Whatever else I can think of)
Anyway, that's a start. And a lot simpler to deal with (although much less powerful) than the whole big ESDL kit and caboodle. Much credit to Dan for his work, just not worth the porting effort for the 1% I'm actually going to use.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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